Processing Knowledge
What Can A Rapid Turnaround Rate Do for You?

If you’ve taken a look at the market these days, you understand the importance of a rapid turnaround. To meet this need, PMR has built innovative processing systems. With PMR's help, converter recyclers can benefit from a rapid turnaround rate of 10 to 15 business days. Check out the video below or keep reading to learn what kind of advantages you'll enjoy as a PMR supplier.
Benefits of A Fast Turnaround
When you work with a processor who offers a fast turnaround rate, you get hedging and advance payment options that meet the financial requirements of your business. With PMR, suppliers with more than 3 lots of history can take advantage of those hedging and payment options that help them stay one step ahead. Let’s take a closer look.
Advance Hedging Opportunities
Getting a return on your investment quickly starts by having advanced hedging options. At PMR, we offer advanced hedging opportunities for suppliers who have a history of 3 or more lots. They can lock in their prices up to 10 days before their lot is in stock at a PMR facility. This helps them secure the metal market prices they need before the market changes again.
Advance Payment Options
Once they’re all hedged, suppliers have two options. They can request an advance payment of up to 65% of their hedge once their material has been picked up by a PMR truck. Their other option is to wait until their material has been graded, after which they can ask for an advance of 80% of the graded value.
PMR understands that every recycler’s reality is unique. That’s why we tailor these payment options and propose different figures, depending on our partnerships. We do this to accommodate their specific business models and help them succeed in their recycling ventures.
Your financial needs and requirements are unique. That means your hedging and payment options should also be tailored to your needs. Having a processing partner that offers a fast turnaround rate and satisfies your particular requirements will put you way ahead of the game.
For more information, contact a PMR Representative or visit our Resource Center.