PMR News
PMR Takes the Lead in Catalytic Converter Processing

As catalysts of change, PMR continues to revolutionize the catalytic converter processing industry. With decades of experience and a passion for ground-breaking technology, PMR and its suppliers are poised to experience unmatched success. If you’re wondering how PMR has set the standard and continues to disrupt the industry, watch our video below or keep reading.
Who Is PMR and What Do We Do?
We are a catalytic converter processor specializing in the recovery of platinum, palladium, and rhodium from spent autocatalysts. We offer unmatched pricing, evaluation, and monitoring tools that give suppliers the power to buy units profitably and manage their operations effectively.
Our top-tier machinery uses cutting-edge technology to cut, crush, commingle, and sample converters in a closed system, capturing every ounce of dust and ceramic material. These systems ensure that recyclers receive the real value for their converters, helping them reinvest their capital into their businesses and focus on its overall growth.
In the 26 years that PMR has been servicing scrap metal and automotive recyclers, many in the business have called us crazy because we constantly aim to disrupt the industry. But we revolutionized the industry with our low lot requirements, assay turnaround rates, supplier tools, and all the other services that give recyclers the essentials they need to succeed.
Let’s explore how each of our innovations sparked a change for the better in the industry.
Low Lot Requirements: Helping Recyclers of Any Size Get the True Value of their Material
Previously, traditional processors asked for minimum lots of 2000lbs to produce an assay. This forced recyclers with smaller volumes who couldn’t meet the minimum requirements to sell by unit or by grade.
PMR, however, developed low lot requirements of 150 units, or 200lbs of material. This allows any business to ship their converters and get an accurate assay. They can also access essential information about their converters, such as troy ounce recovery figures, metal percentage returns, material composition, and more.
Over the years, small lots became beneficial for another reason: to gain specific knowledge and information about your wider operations. When you ship smaller lots to PMR, we can give you separate assays per location or category, giving you insight into your operations. You can compare your facilities with each other and with industry standards, spot any costly red flags, and see areas for improvement. This way, you get the visibility you need to increase profit margins, grow your market share, and develop your business.
Those who didn’t believe us said it was impossible—that we couldn’t accurately sample and assay a lot as low as 150 units. That’s why we revolutionized our laboratory and made sure we exceeded industry standards.
PMR’s In-House, ISO-Certified Lab
Part of what enabled us to offer low lots was making sure our laboratory went beyond industry standards. We invested significant financial resources into laboratory equipment, including XRF benchtop and ICP technologies, the two primary devices used to analyze catalyst material.
In 2022, our lab was ISO-certified, holding our team and your results to an even higher standard of accuracy.
It’s with these advancements and investments that PMR can meet the needs of recyclers of all sizes and offer reliable refining solutions.
Quickest Turnaround Rate in the Industry
PMR’s turnaround rate is 10 to 15 days, allowing suppliers to get a return on their investment 3 times faster than with other toll-refiners. By receiving quick settlements, you can act on market changes more quickly. You can buy more quickly and offer more competitive prices, allowing you to keep growing your converter volumes.
With top-tier machinery and cutting-edge laboratory technology, we are now leading the way towards the first-ever 5-day turnaround rate. As processors who are never satisfied with status quo, we hope to offer this new service in the next 12 to 18 months, giving you an edge in this rapidly changing market.
Unmatched Converter Tools: Helping Recyclers Take Control of Their Operations
We were the first processor to deploy a Supplier Services Platform (SSP). We compiled data from years of converter assays, first-hand experience, and research into buying tools such as photo grading and VIN/TRIM.
Photo grading allows recyclers to receive instant and reliable converter pricing information. All you need to do is take a picture of a unit and in 60 to 90 seconds, you get an estimate. This way, you can make quick and profitable buying choices.
Automotive recyclers gain a competitive edge in vehicle purchasing with VIN/TRIM. You get a quick estimate of a scrapped car’s converter(s), allowing you to have the most competitive price out there and buy more cars.
With monitoring and tracking tools, suppliers are truly in control of their operations. You can secure profit margins, view purchases per buyer/location, and track your material through your system and ours.
The goal is to give recyclers the tools that help them make informed and profitable buying and selling decisions. We also want to see our suppliers grow their market share, buy more cars and/or converters, and reach their business goals.
Offering Global Support with a Team of Experts
We've moved away from the traditional tunnel model of customer service towards a flywheel model, where you get global support from a team of experts. You now get access to an entire platform of data, quarterly reports, and pricing and tracking tools. We share insights that no one else offers, with accurate figures that help you understand and improve your business.
You also have access to visual assets, resources, and initiatives that give you all the answers, keeping you informed about your industry. From your first lot, our team is dedicated to your success. That’s why we continue to invest in constant evolution, fine-tuning our systems and machinery, in order to give you the best shot at achieving your goals.
Everyone else will call us crazy. We like to think of ourselves as revolutionaries.
For more information, visit PMR’s Resource Center or book a free consultation with our experts.